On 8 May 2019, The Blue Cluster and the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) will organise the fifth edition of 'Marine Science Meets Maritime Industry'. At this event, companies that are members of the Blue Cluster and scientists are invited to discuss examples of collaboration and to come up with innovative ideas about collaboration between science and industry. The theme of this edition is "Financing sustainable business models in the blue economy".
Sign up now
The event is free for scientists from knowledge institutions, administrations and NGOs, as well as for members of The Blue Cluster companies. Is your company not yet a member? Take a look at the website of the Blue Cluster. You can register until 30 April via this link.
To simplify networking, you will be asked (in no more than 30 characters) to fill in your main interest or expertise. This will be printed on your badge, so you can see at a glance with whom you share your interests, or whose expertise fits into your innovative project. Registration for speed dating is done on site.
Programme (the event will be held entirely in Dutch)
09u00 - 09u30 Registratie en ontvangstkoffie
09u30 - 09u50 Openingswoord door Philippe Muyters - Vlaams minister van Werk, Economie, Innovatie en Sport
09u50 - 10u10 Introductie door De Blauwe Cluster en VLIZ
10u10 - 10u30 Alternatieve financieringsvormen (Belfius & KBC, sprekers TBD)
10u30 - 10u50 Het meten van de duurzaamheidsbijdrage van Blauwe Clusteractiviteiten: een uitdaging (Jo Dewulf, UGent)
10u50 - 11u20 Pitches deel 1: Voorbeelden van en ideeën voor samenwerking tussen industrie en wetenschap
11u20 - 11u50 Pauze met aperitief en amuses
11u50 - 12u20 Pitches deel 2: Voorbeelden van en ideeën voor samenwerking tussen industrie en wetenschap
12u20 - 12u40 Innovatieve overheidsopdrachten (Veerle Lories, Vlaamse overheid - Departement Economie, Wetenschap & Innovatie)
12u40 - 13u00 Duurzaam ondernemen (Astrid Van Parys, Colruyt Group)
13u00 - 14u00 Speeddating lunch
The following speakers will present a pitch presentation: Pieter Rauwoens (KU Leuven), Patrick Meire (UAntwerpen) en Louis-Robert Cool (Seafar).
Practical information
Location: De Grote Post, Hendrik Serruyslaan 18a, 8400 Oostende, www.degrotepost.be
Period: Wednesday 8 May 2019, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Target group: Innovative managers and business developers of Belgian companies that are members of the Blue Cluster; Scientists active in the marine and/or maritime sector
If you have any questions about this event, please do not hesitate to contact info@vliz.be.
Marine Science Meets Maritime Industry is an organization of: