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Tripylus abatoides (aboral + oral plating)
Tripylus abatoides (aboral + oral plating)
Description Left: Aboral side (female), middle: Oral plate pattern, right: Aboral side (male) The course of the fascioles is very variable: the well developed peripetalous branch may coalesce with the marginal fasciole behind the anterior petals or in front of them, or it may pass parallel and well separatede towards the anterior, but never crossing the anterior ambulacrum.
Scales 10 mm. A+b modified from Madon-Senez; c modified from De Ridder
Author Schultz, Heinke JPG file - 70.83 kB - 1 157 x 422 pixels added on 2009-02-23330 viewsFrom reference Schultz, H. (2009). Sea urchins II: Worldwide irregular d... © 2009 Schultz, Heinke
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