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Index Fungorum
Index Fungorum. Index Fungorum Partnership: Landcare Research-NZ and RBG Kew : Mycology. Available through Accessed on yyyy-mm-dd.
Kirk, Paul Availability: This dataset is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The Index Fungorum, the global fungal nomenclator, contains names of fungi (including yeasts, lichens, chromistan fungal analogues, protozoan fungal analogues and fossil forms) at all ranks. The Index Fungorum provides taxonomic information to the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS). more
The Index Fungorum, the global fungal nomenclator coordinated and supported by the Index Fungorum Partnership (Landcare Research-NZ and RBG Kew : Mycology), contains names of fungi (including yeasts, lichens, chromistan fungal analogues, protozoan fungal analogues and fossil forms) at all ranks. As a result of changes to the ICN (previously ICBN) relating to registration of names and following the lead taken by MycoBank, Index Fungorum now provides a mechanism to register names of new taxa, new names, new combinations and new typifications - no login is required, a captcha effectively excludes spammers. Do not register names which have been previously registered with the other authorized repositories - Fungal Names or MycoBank - as this creates a duplicate record, and could result in publication of an invalid name. Names registered at Index Fungorum can be published immediately through the Index Fungorum e-Publication facility - an authorized login is required for this. Species Fungorum is currently an RBG Kew coordinated initiative to compile a global checklist of the fungi. You may search a small but growing number of taxonomically complete datasets - global species databases - or the entire Species Fungorum. Species Fungorum contributes the fungal component to the Species 2000 project and, in partnership with ITIS, to the Catalogue of Life (currently used in the GBIF and EoL portal); for more information regarding these global initiative visit their websites. Please contact Paul Kirk if you you would like to contribute to Species Fungorum. The Dictionary of the Fungi (currently 10th edition, 2008) published by CABI also contains the current consensus on the fungal taxonomic hierarchy to the rank of genus. You can search the database for the status of generic names, or walk down the hierarchy from the rank of Kingdom. The entries for each genus generally include authors and place of publication together with the type species (linked to Index Fungorum) and other data. The Bibliography of Systematic Mycology, compiled at CABI-UK and published by CABI, provides a survey of the literature encompassing the biodiversity, classification, distribution, evolution, identification, nomenclature, phylogeny, systematics and taxonomy of fungi (as defined in the first paragraph). You can search the database using the index of cited generic names or author names. All these databases need to be improved and updated in terms of data content. Funding from GBIF (2003-2004) under the ECAT work programme enabled the addition of most missing author citations and year of publication and the linking of most homotypic names. New names from the Index of Fungi, compiled at CABI-UK and published by CABI, are added every three months. In addition, names registered with Fungal Names and MycoBank are incorporated in Index Fungorum as they are released. Please contact Paul Kirk if you have any additions or suggested changes (which will be acknowledged). The database structures have been developed by Jerry Cooper and Paul Kirk and the web interface by Jerry Cooper. Please contact Paul Kirk if you have any problems with pages or database searches. The Index Fungorum provides taxonomic information to the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS). Scope Themes: Biology, Biology > Ecology - biodiversity Keywords: Marine/Coastal, Classification, Species, Taxonomy, World, Fungi Geographical coverage World [Marine Regions] Temporal coverage
From 1758 on [In Progress] Taxonomic coverage
Fungi [WoRMS]
Taxonomy Contributors
Cab International (CABI), more, database developer
Related datasets
(Partly) included in: WoRMS: World Register of Marine Species, more Dataset status: In Progress
Data type: Data
Data origin: Literature research
Metadatarecord created: 2012-08-28
Information last updated: 2013-08-13