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Litter near the sea, back to the source - Labels and inscriptions as a guideline to the origin of the waste [Zwerfvuil aan zee, terug naar de bron - Labels en opschriften als leidraad naar de oorsprong van het afval]
Citable as data publication
Lescroart, C.; Seys, J.; Hogeschool VIVES; Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ): Belgium; (2019): Litter near the sea, back to the source - Labels and inscriptions as a guideline to the origin of the waste. Marine Data Archive.

Availability: Creative Commons License This dataset is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

This dataset (in Dutch) contains information about the origin of the waste on the beach and in the port of Ostend. The labels and inscriptions found on the waste items are also described in the dataset. The results and conclusions of this dataset can be found in the report.

Environmental quality/pollution, Environmental quality/pollution > Site assessments/surveys
Marine/Coastal, Beach, Labels, Litter, Trash, ANE, Belgium, Oostende, ANE, Belgium, Oostende Harbour

Geographical coverage
ANE, Belgium, Oostende Stations [Marine Regions]
ANE, Belgium, Oostende Harbour [Marine Regions]

Temporal coverage
18 February 2019 - 12 April 2019

Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ), moredata creatordata creator
Katholieke Hogeschool Katholieke Hogeschool VIVES (KHBO), moredata creator

Describing this dataset
Lescroart, C. (2019). Zwerfvuil aan zee, terug naar de bron: labels en opschriften als leidraad naar de oorsprong van het afval = Litter near the sea, back to the source: labels and inscriptions as a guideline to the origin of the waste. Graduate Thesis. VIVES: Kortrijk. 82 pp., more

Dataset status: Completed
Data type: Data
Data origin: Research: field survey
Metadatarecord created: 2019-07-09
Information last updated: 2019-08-06
All data in the Integrated Marine Information System (IMIS) is subject to the VLIZ privacy policy