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MONICET: Long-term cetacean monitoring in the Azores based on whale watching observations (2009-2020)
Citable as data publication
Azevedo, J. M. N.; Fernández, M.; González García, L.; (2023) MONICET: long-term cetacean monitoring in the Azores based on whale watching observations (2009-2020).
Previous versions (3) view Azevedo, J. M. N.; Fernández, M.; González García, L.; (2023) MONICET: long-term cetacean monitoring in the Azores based on whale watching observations (2009-2020) . Azevedo, J. M. N.; Fernández, M.; González García, L.; (2022) MONICET: long-term cetacean monitoring in the Azores based on whale watching observations (2009-2020) . Azevedo, J. M. N.; Fernández, M.; González García, L.; (2021) MONICET: long-term cetacean monitoring in the Azores based on whale watching observations (2009-2020) . Contact:
N. Azevedo, José Manuel Availability:
![]() Description
The dataset was colected by whale watching companies in the Azores between 2009 and 2020 as a contribution to the long term monitoring of cetaceans. It contains the identification of the species observed, the geographic position of the observation, the life stages and its respective abundance and behavior, as well as related environmental variables (sea state, visibility). more
"MONICET is a collaborative platform to collect, organize and disseminate cetacean occurrence data and photo-identification images collected by whale watching companies in the Azores. Data were collected from 2009 to 2020 in collaboration with twelve different whale watching companies located in four different islands: São Miguel, Terceira, Pico and Faial. Data was collected and inserted in the MONICET database by qualified guides or biologists onboard and validated by the research team responsible for the MONICET platform." Scope Themes: Biology > Mammals, Biology > Reptiles Keywords: Marine/Coastal, Distribution records, Ecology, Geographical distribution, Marine mammals, Spatial distribution, Temporal variations, Whale-tourism, ANE, Azores, EurOBIS calculated BBOX, Cetacea, Cheloniidae Oppel, 1811, Dermochelyidae Fitzinger, 1843 Geographical coverage ANE, Azores [Marine Regions] EurOBIS calculated BBOX Stations
Bounding Box Coordinates: MinLong: -28,9987; MinLat: 37,3118 - MaxLong: -25,0008; MaxLat: 38,908 [WGS84] Temporal coverage
1 January 2009 - 12 December 2020 Taxonomic coverage
Count of marine mammals Development stage of biological entity specified elsewhere [BODC] Horizontal visibility (WMO code) in the atmosphere by visual estimation and conversion to WMO code using table 4300 [BODC] Speed of wind {wind speed} in the atmosphere by visual estimation and conversion to Beaufort scale [BODC] Contributors
University of the Azores; Institute of Marine Sciences - OKEANOS, more, data creator
University of Lisbon; Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre - Madeira (MARE-Madeira), more, data creator
Agência Regional para o Desenvolvimento da Investigação Tecnologia e Inovação (ARDITI), more, data creator
Aquatic Research Network (ARNET), more, data creator
Aqua Açores, more, data provider
Atlantiangra, more, data provider
Azores Experiences, more, data provider
Espaço Talassa, more, data provider
Futurismo Azores Adventures, more, data provider
Ocean Emotion, more, data provider
Peter Whale Watch, more, data provider
Picos de Aventura, more, data provider
Sea Colors, more, data provider
Terra Azul, more, data provider
Terra do Pico, more, data provider
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Dataset status: In Progress
Data type: Data
Data origin: Monitoring: field survey
Metadatarecord created: 2021-12-07
Information last updated: 2023-04-07