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Flanders Hydraulics Research: Continuous monitoring of water levels in the Scheldt estuary
Flanders Hydraulics Research (MOW-WL): Belgium; (2020): Flanders Hydraulics Research: Continuous monitoring of water levels in the Scheldt estuary.

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In situ continuous measurement of water levels at several stations in the Zeeschelde, Beneden Nete, Kleine Nete, Grote Nete, Tijarm Zwijnaarde, Dijle, Durme, Rupel and Zenne. more

Various monitoring programs (MONEOS, OMES) are being implemented along the Scheldt estuary to build up system knowledge and provide advice to administrators. Within these monitoring programs, the HIC measures numerous water quality parameters that increase insight into the physical, ecological and chemical functioning of the estuary. The measurements are carried out in the estuary itself, as well as at the edges of the system.

Coastal studies (e.g. shores, estuaries), Physical > Water level (& bottom pressure, IES)
Fresh water, Brackish water, Belgium, Beneden Nete R., Belgium, Dijle R., Belgium, Durme R., Belgium, Grote Nete R., Belgium, Kleine Nete R., Belgium, Rupel R., Belgium, Tijarm Zwijnaarde, Belgium, Zeeschelde, Belgium, Zenne R.

Geographical coverage
Belgium, Beneden Nete R. Stations [Marine Regions]
Coordinates: Long: 4,5301; Lat: 51,1092 [WGS84]
Coordinates: Long: 4,5719; Lat: 51,1264 [WGS84]
Polder van Lier 1
Coordinates: Long: 4,5598; Lat: 51,1206 [WGS84]
Polder van Lier 2
Coordinates: Long: 4,5587; Lat: 51,1184 [WGS84]
Polder van Lier 3
Coordinates: Long: 4,5558; Lat: 51,1171 [WGS84]
Belgium, Dijle R. Stations [Marine Regions]
Coordinates: Long: 4,467; Lat: 51,0337 [WGS84]
Coordinates: Long: 4,5852; Lat: 50,9993 [WGS84]
Belgium, Durme R. Stations [Marine Regions]
Potpolder 1
Coordinates: Long: 4,125; Lat: 51,103 [WGS84]
Potpolder 2
Coordinates: Long: 4,1174; Lat: 51,1077 [WGS84]
Potpolder 3
Coordinates: Long: 4,109; Lat: 51,1085 [WGS84]
Coordinates: Long: 4,1414; Lat: 51,1048 [WGS84]
Coordinates: Long: 4,0878; Lat: 51,1019 [WGS84]
Coordinates: Long: 4,0671; Lat: 51,1079 [WGS84]
Coordinates: Long: 4,1084; Lat: 51,1083 [WGS84]
Coordinates: Long: 4,1739; Lat: 51,1097 [WGS84]
Coordinates: Long: 4,045; Lat: 51,0948 [WGS84]
Belgium, Grote Nete R. Stations [Marine Regions]
Coordinates: Long: 4,649; Lat: 51,1272 [WGS84]
Coordinates: Long: 4,5893; Lat: 51,1335 [WGS84]
Belgium, Kleine Nete R. Stations [Marine Regions]
Coordinates: Long: 4,6086; Lat: 51,158 [WGS84]
Belgium, Rupel R. Stations [Marine Regions]
Coordinates: Long: 4,3537; Lat: 51,0869 [WGS84]
Coordinates: Long: 4,4148; Lat: 51,0776 [WGS84]
Coordinates: Long: 4,4188; Lat: 51,0737 [WGS84]
Belgium, Tijarm Zwijnaarde Stations
Coordinates: Long: 3,7247; Lat: 50,9937 [WGS84]
Coordinates: Long: 3,7579; Lat: 51,0054 [WGS84]
Belgium, Zeeschelde Stations [Marine Regions]
Coordinates: Long: 4,3706; Lat: 51,237 [WGS84]
Coordinates: Long: 3,9986; Lat: 51,0046 [WGS84]
Coordinates: Long: 3,8053; Lat: 51,0044 [WGS84]
Coordinates: Long: 4,2379; Lat: 51,3483 [WGS84]
Scheldebroek 1
Coordinates: Long: 4,0445; Lat: 51,04 [WGS84]
Scheldebroek 2
Coordinates: Long: 4,0397; Lat: 51,0326 [WGS84]
Coordinates: Long: 4,3157; Lat: 51,126 [WGS84]
Coordinates: Long: 4,0076; Lat: 51,0046 [WGS84]
Coordinates: Long: 4,1972; Lat: 51,0526 [WGS84]
Coordinates: Long: 4,2986; Lat: 51,2557 [WGS84]
Coordinates: Long: 4,215; Lat: 51,1231 [WGS84]
Coordinates: Long: 4,1038; Lat: 51,0346 [WGS84]
Coordinates: Long: 4,171; Lat: 51,0925 [WGS84]
Antwerpen Loodsgebouw
Coordinates: Long: 4,3999; Lat: 51,2275 [WGS84]
Bergenmeersen 1
Coordinates: Long: 3,9733; Lat: 51,0162 [WGS84]
Bergenmeersen 2
Coordinates: Long: 3,9693; Lat: 51,019 [WGS84]
Bergenmeersen Schelde
Coordinates: Long: 3,9696; Lat: 51,0192 [WGS84]
Coordinates: Long: 3,7472; Lat: 51,0471 [WGS84]
Coordinates: Long: 4,3302; Lat: 51,1431 [WGS84]
Coordinates: Long: 4,2985; Lat: 51,268 [WGS84]
Coordinates: Long: 4,2857; Lat: 51,2964 [WGS84]
Coordinates: Long: 3,8816; Lat: 51,0085 [WGS84]
Coordinates: Long: 4,2706; Lat: 51,3494 [WGS84]
Coordinates: Long: 3,9597; Lat: 51,0127 [WGS84]
Belgium, Zenne R. Stations [Marine Regions]
Coordinates: Long: 4,4641; Lat: 50,9952 [WGS84]
Coordinates: Long: 4,4489; Lat: 51,0152 [WGS84]

Temporal coverage
From 1888 on [In Progress]
Quasi continuous (< 1 min.)

High and low tide Methodology
Tidal height TAW Methodology
High and low tide: Water level gauges
High and low tide: Diver
Tidal height TAW: Diver
Tidal height TAW: Water level gauges

Vlaamse overheid; Beleidsdomein Mobiliteit en Openbare Werken; Vlaams Ministerie Mobiliteit en Openbare Werken; Departement Mobiliteit en Openbare Werken; Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium (WL), moredata creatordata owner
Vlaamse overheid; Beleidsdomein Mobiliteit en Openbare Werken; Vlaams Ministerie Mobiliteit en Openbare Werken; Departement Mobiliteit en Openbare Werken; Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium; Hydrologisch InformatieCentrum (HIC), moredata provider

Related datasets
Parent dataset:
Flanders Hydraulics Research: Continuous monitoring of hydrodynamic and physicochemical parameters in the Scheldt estuary, more
(Partly) included in:
MONEOS - Hydrodynamics in the Scheldt Estuary, more
Other relations:
Flanders Hydraulics Research: Continuous monitoring of acidity (pH) in the Scheldt estuary, more
Flanders Hydraulics Research: Continuous monitoring of discharges in the Scheldt estuary, more
Flanders Hydraulics Research: Continuous monitoring of dissolved oxygen in the Scheldt estuary, more
Flanders Hydraulics Research: Continuous monitoring of salinity and conductivity in the Scheldt estuary, more
Flanders Hydraulics Research: Continuous monitoring of suspended sediment concentrations in the Scheldt estuary, more
Flanders Hydraulics Research: Continuous monitoring of turbidity in the Scheldt estuary, more
Flanders Hydraulics Research: Continuous monitoring of water temperature in the Scheldt estuary, more
Flanders Hydraulics Research: Continuous monitoring of water velocity and flow direction in the Scheldt estuary, more

Based on this dataset
Vandenbruwaene, W. et al. (2020). Monitoring Effecten Ontwikkelingsschets (MONEOS) – Jaarboek monitoring 2019: factual data rapportage van monitoring waterbeweging en fysische parameters in het Schelde estuarium in 2019. Versie 4.0. WL Rapporten, PA047_9. Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium: Antwerpen. XVI, 132 + 21 p. bijl. pp., more
Vandenbruwaene, W. et al. (2019). Monitoring Effecten Ontwikkelingsschets (MONEOS) – Jaarboek monitoring 2018: factual data rapportage van monitoring waterbeweging en fysische parameters in de Zeeschelde in 2018. Versie 4.0. WL Rapporten, 12_070_8. Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium: Antwerpen. XV, 106 + 26 bijl. pp., more
Vandenbruwaene, W. et al. (2018). Monitoring Effecten Ontwikkelingsschets (MONEOS) – Jaarboek monitoring 2017: Deelrapport 7. Factual data rapportage van monitoring waterbeweging en fysische parameters in de Zeeschelde in 2017. Versie 3.0. WL Rapporten, 12_070_7. Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium: Antwerpen. 118 + 13 p. bijl. pp., more
Plancke, Y. et al. (2017). Monitoring Effecten Ontwikkelingsschets (MONEOS) – Jaarboek monitoring 2016: deelrapport 6. Factual data rapportage van monitoring waterbeweging en fysische parameters in de Zeeschelde in 2016. versie 4.0. WL Rapporten, 12_070_6. Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium: Antwerpen. XVIII, 130 + 16 p. bijlagen pp., more
Vanlierde, E. et al. (2016). MONEOS - jaarboek monitoring WL 2015: factual data rapportage van monitoring hydrodynamiek en fysische parameters zoals gemeten door WL in het Zeescheldebekken in 2015. Versie 3.0. WL Rapporten, 12_070. Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium: Antwerpen. XIII, 142 + bijlagen pp., more
Vanlierde, E. et al. (2015). MONEOS - jaarboek monitoring WL 2014: Factual data rapportage van monitoring hydrodynamiek en fysische parameters zoals gemeten door WL in het Zeescheldebekken in 2014. Versie 4.0. WL Rapporten, 12_070. Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium: Antwerpen. XII, 153 + 6 p. bijlagen pp., more
Vanlierde, E. et al. (2014). MONEOS - jaarboek monitoring WL 2013: factual data rapportage van monitoring hydrodynamiek en fysische parameters zoals gemeten door WL in het Zeescheldebekken in 2013. Versie 8.0. WL Rapporten, 12_070. Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium: Antwerpen. XI, 144 + 7 p. bijl. pp., more
Taverniers, E.; Plancke, Y.; Mostaert, F. (2013). MONEOS - jaarboek monitoring WL - Basisboek: overzicht monitoring hydrodynamiek en fysische parameters zoals door WL in het Zeescheldebekken gemeten - uitleggend basisboek met algemene situering, methodologie en achtergrond. Versie 3.0. WL Rapporten, 12_070. Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium: Antwerpen. XIX, 293 + 7 p. bijl., 30 p. tab., 241 p. fig. pp., more
Vanlierde, E. et al. (2013). MONEOS - jaarboek monitoring WL 2012: factual data rapportage van monitoring hydrodynamiek en fysische parameters zoals gemeten door WL in het Zeescheldebekken in 2012. Versie 2.0. WL Rapporten, 12_070. Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium: Antwerpen. IX, 135 + 6 p. bijl. pp., more
Vereecken, H. et al. (2012). MONEOS - jaarboek monitoring WL 2011: overzicht monitoring hydrodynamiek en fysische parameters zoals door WL in 2011 in het Zeescheldebekken gemeten. versie 4.0. WL Rapporten, 833_07. Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium: Antwerpen. XVII, 248 + 7 p. bijl. pp., more
Taverniers, E.; Vereecken, H.; Mostaert, F. (2011). MONEOS - jaarboek monitoring WL 2010: Overzicht monitoring hydrodynamiek en fysische parameters zoals door WL in 2010 in het Zeescheldebekken gemeten. versie 4.0. WL Rapporten, 833_07. Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium: Antwerpen. XVI, 233 + 30 p. tab., 185 p. Fig. pp., more
Taverniers, E.; Vereecken, H.; Mostaert, F. (2010). MONEOS - jaarboek monitoring WL 2009: overzicht monitoring hydrodynamiek en fysische parameters zoals door WL in 2009 in het Zeescheldebekken gemeten. Versie 4.0. WL Rapporten, 833_07. Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium: Antwerpen. XIII, 155 + 25 p. Tab., 110 p. Fig. pp., more
Taverniers, E.; Mostaert, F. (2009). MONEOS - Jaarboek monitoring WL 2008: Overzicht monitoring hydrodynamiek en fysische parameters zoals door WL in 2008 in het Zeescheldebekken gemeten. Versie 4.0. WL Rapporten, 833_07. Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium: Antwerpen. 145 + 27 p. tab., 92 p. fig. pp., more

Dataset status: In Progress
Data type: Data
Data origin: Monitoring: field survey
Metadatarecord created: 2006-11-22
Information last updated: 2022-08-04
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