The Commission for Coordination and Regional Development of Alentejo is a peripheral service of the direct administration of the State, under the direction of the Minister of Territorial Cohesion, which is exercised in coordination with the Minister of Modernization of the State and of Public Administration, with regard to the relationship with local authorities, and with Mr. Minister for the Environment and Climate Action, with regard to environmental matters and land use planning. It has administrative and financial autonomy.
Its mission is to ensure the coordination and articulation of the various sectoral policies at a regional level, as well as to implement environmental, territorial and city planning policies, and provide technical support to local authorities and their associations, at the level of the respective geographic area of acting. endowed with financial and administrative autonomy. Its mission is also to carry out the State's incentive policy for the media in accordance with the law.
Original name: Comissão de Coordenação e Desenvolvimento Regional do Alentejo
Address: Av. Eng. Arantes e Oliveira, 193
7004-514 Évora Portugal
Tel.: +35-(1)266-74 03 00
Type: Others
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