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IMIS - Marine Research Groups

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Department of Geology (VUB)
The geology department at the "Vrije Universiteit Brussel" focuses its activities on Earth and environmental sciences using 'isotope geology'; an experimental approach that is original and unique in Flanders. The department' labs host several mass spectrometers for the precise determination of key stable isotopic systems (O, N, C, H, S). Fractionation processes affecting the light isotopes are important in many field aspects of marine and estuaries sciences. They can permit to identify climatic, biological or environmental changes, or physico-chemical modification of the sedimentary systems. The stable isotope signature can also be used as a tracer of various processes in hydrogeology, biogeochemistry or to characterize organic matter in sediments. Besides these major research fields, attention is also devoted to sedimentology, and the use of a variety of elements and/or their isotopic systems as tracers of geological, hydrological and biogeochemical processes and for environmental monitoring.

Standard name: Vakgroep Geologie
Parent institute: Vrije Universiteit Brussel; Faculty of Science and Bio-engineering Sciences (VUB-WE), more

Child institute
  • Vrije Universiteit Brussel; Faculty of Sciences; Department of Geology; Isotope Geology and Evolution of the Paleoenvironments (VUB-GEOL), more

Pleinlaan 2
1050 Brussel

Tel.: +32-(0)2-629 33 87
Type: Scientific
    ( 10 peer reviewed ) split up filter
  • Peer reviewed article Bogatko, S.; Claeys, P.; De Proft, F.; Geerlings, P. (2013). Li+ speciation and the use of 7Li/6Li isotope ratios for ancient climate monitoring. Chem. Geol. 357: 1-7., more
  • Peer reviewed article Da Silva, A.-C.; De Vleeschouwer, D.; Boulvain, F.; Claeys, P.; Fagel, N.; Humblet, M.; Mabille, C.; Michel, J.; Sardar Abadi, M.; Pas, D.; Dekkers, M.J. (2013). Magnetic susceptibility as a high-resolution correlation tool and as a climatic proxy in Paleozoic rocks - Merits and pitfalls: Examples from the Devonian in Belgium. Mar. Pet. Geol. 46: 173-189., more
  • Peer reviewed article Phung, A.T.; Baeyens, W.; Leermakers, M.; Goderis, S.; Vanhaecke, F.; Gao, Y. (2013). Reproducibility of laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) measurements in mussel shells and Comparison with micro-drill sampling and solution ICP-MS. Talanta 115: 6-14., more
  • Peer reviewed article De Vleeschouwer, D.; Da Silva, A.C.; Boulvain, F.; Crucifix, M.; Claeys, P. (2012). Precessional and half-precessional climate forcing of Mid-Devonian monsoon-like dynamics. Clim. Past 8(1): 337-351., more
  • Peer reviewed article D'haenens, S.; Bornemann, A.; Roose, K.; Claeys, P.; Speijer, R.P. (2012). Stable isotope paleoecology (d13C and d18O) of early Eocene Zeauvigerina aegyptiaca from the North Atlantic (DSDP Site 401). Austrian J. Earth Sci. 105(1): 179-188, more
  • Peer reviewed article Préat, A.; Kolo, K.; Prian, J.P.; Delpomdor, F. (2010). A peritidal evaporite environment in the Neoproterozoic of South Gabon (Schisto-Calcaire Subgroup, Nyanga Basin). Precambr. Res. 177(3-4): 253-265., more
  • Peer reviewed article Mas, R.; Claeys, P.; Keppens, E.; Dehairs, F. (2009). Stable isotopic composition of bivalve shell organic matrix: Mytilus edulis collected along the Scheldt estuary. Geophys. Res. Abstr. 11(EGU2009-11632): 1, more
  • Peer reviewed article Gillikin, D.P.; Steenmans, D.; DeHairs, F.; Baeyens, W.; Navez, J.; André, L.; Keppens, E.; CALMARs group (2004). Calibration and validation of the mussel Mytilus edulis as an environmental archive. Geophys. Res. Abstr. 6: 04054, more
  • Peer reviewed article Dehandschutter, B.; Vysotsky, E.; Delvaux, D.; Klerkx, J. ; Buslov, M. M. ; Seleznev, V. S. ; De Batist, M. (2002). Structural evolution of the Teletsk graben (Russian Altai). Tectonophysics 351(1-2): 139-167., more
  • Peer reviewed article Hellings, L.; Van Den Driessche, K.; Baeyens, W.; Keppens, E.; Dehairs, F. (2000). Origin and fate of dissolved inorganic carbon in interstitial waters of two freshwater intertidal areas: A case study of the Scheldt Estuary, Belgium. Biogeochemistry 51(2): 141-160., more
  • Préat, A.; Delpomdor, F.; Kolo, K.; Gillan, D.C.; Prian, J.P. (2011). Stromatolites and Cyanobacterial Mats in Peritidal Evaporative Environments in the Neoproterozoic of Bas-Congo (Democratic Republic of Congo) and South Gabon, in: Tewari, V. et al. STROMATOLITES: Interaction of Microbes with Sediments. Cellular Origin, Life in Extreme Habitats and Astrobiology, 18: pp. pp 43-63., more
  • Buslov, M.; Abrakhmatov, K.; De Batist, M.; Delvaux, D.; Dehandschutter, B.; Klerkx, J. (2001). A major stage of convergence in the Issyk-Kul basin (Northern Tien-Shan) at the end of the Neogene. J. Conf. Abstr. 6: 336, more
  • Missiaen, T. (1987). A marine multichannel seismic investigation of the shallow Quaternary and Tertiary sediments of the Belgian continental flat. MSc Thesis. Free University of Brussels, Faculty of Science: Brussel. 65 pp., more
  • Baeteman, C. (1981). De Holocene ontwikkeling van de westelijke kustvlakte (België). PhD Thesis. Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Faculteit Wetenschappen, Vakgroep Geologie: Brussel. 297 pp., more
  • Application of a Spectral Estimation System for the Determination of Cyclicities on Continental sediments, more
  • Marine Research Drilling - The ESF Magellan Workshop Series., more
  • Spectral analysis estimator on the cyclicity determination on continental sediments, more