Management of the port property and facilities and rendering of services in view of creating an economic climate that stimulates the development of commercial and industrial port activities.
Dutch name: Havenbedrijf Gent GAB
Address: J. Kennedylaan 32, Haven 3000 A
9042 Gent Belgium
(2010). Havenbedrijf Gent AGH, strategisch plan 2010-220. Port of Ghent: Gent. 63 pp., more
(S.d.). Final report TEN-T project “Shore Power in Flanders” 2012-BE-92063-S. Port of Antwerp/Waterwegen en Zeekanaal NV/Port of Ghent: [s.l.]. 6 pp., more
(S.d.). Het afvalbeheersplan voor de haven van Gent: 01.01.2018– 31.12.2020. Port of Ghent: Gent. 33 pp., more