Parent institute: University of Antwerp; Faculteit Farmaceutische, Biomedische en Diergeneeskundige Wetenschappen; Departement Diergeneeskunde (UA), more
Jakubec, M.; Totland, C.; Rise, F.; Chamgordani, E.J.; Paulsen, B.; Maes, L.; Matheeussen, A.; Gundersen, L.-L.; Halskau, Ø. (2020). Bioactive metabolites of marine origin have unusual effects on model membrane systems. Mar. Drugs 18(2): 125., more
Vik, A.; Proszenyak, A.; Vermeersch, M.; Cos, P.; Maes, L.; Gundersen, L.-L. (2009). Screening of Agelasine D and analogs for inhibitory activity against pathogenic protozoa; identification of hits for visceral Leishmaniasis and Chagas disease. Molecules 14(1): 279-288., more