A gnotobiotic food chain for the study of the functional role of the microbial biota in larval aquaculture, more
Ecomorphology of the trophic apparatus in catfishes (siluriformes), more
Functional consequences and ecological implications of extreme morphological specialisation: design and function of the feeding apparatus in seahorses and pipefishes (Syngnathidae), more
Functional epigenetic and evolutionary study of the head of bony fishes, including the study of malformations, more
Multidisciplinaire studie van de biologie van Afrikaanse katvissen, more
Past climate variability at high latitudes in the Southern Hemisphere - extending the Americas and Australasian palaeoclimate "Pole-Equator-Pole" (PEP) transects, more
Vergelijkend ecomorfologisch onderzoek naar de voedselopname bij grondels (Teleostei : Gobiidae), more