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IMIS - Marine Research Groups

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Prof. Burchard, Hans
Prof. Dr. Hans Burchard has a M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics and a Ph.D. In Physical Oceanography at the University of Hamburg in Germany. After Postdoc positions at the Danish Hydraulic Institute and the Joint Research Centre in Ispra (Italy), he worked on his Habilitation thesis in close relation to the EU projects PROVESS (Processes of Vertical Exchange in Shelf Seas, MAS3- CT97-0025) and CARTUM (Comparative Analysis and Rationalisation of Second-Moment Turbulence Models, MAS3-CT98-0172). In 1999, he founded BBH together with Dr. Karsten Bolding and since 2002 he runs the German BB office in Rostock. Since 2002, he is Professor for Physical Oceanography and Instrumentation at the Baltic Sea Research Institute in Warnemünde (Germany). 
    Bolding & Burchard ApS (B&B), more
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  • Innovative Multi-purpose off-shore platforms: planning, Design and operation, more