Université de Liège; Faculté des Sciences; Département Sciences de la vie; PhytoSYSTEMS; Genetics and Physiology of Microalgae, more
A1 Publications (5) [show] |
Gain, G.; Berne, N.; Feller, T.; Godaux, D.; Cenci, U.; Cardol, P. (2023). Induction of photosynthesis under anoxic condition in Thalassiosira pseudonana and Euglena gracilis: interactions between fermentation and photosynthesis. Front. Plant Sci. 14: 1186926. https://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2023.1186926, more
- Berne, N.; Fabryova, T.; Istaz, B.; Cardol, P.; Bailleul, B. (2018). The peculiar NPQ regulation in the stramenopile Phaeomonas sp. challenges the xanthophyll cycle dogma. Biochim. Biophys. Acta Bioenerg. 1859(7): 491-500. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bbabio.2018.03.013, more
Bailleul, B.; Berne, N.; Murik, O.; Petroutsos, D.; Prihoda, J.; Tanaka, A.; Villanova, V.; Bligny, R.; Flori, S.; Falconet, D.; Krieger-Liszkay, A.; Santabarbara, S.; Rappaport, F.; Joliot, P.; Tirichine, L.; Falkowski, P.; Cardol, P.; Bowler, C.; Finazzi, G. (2015). Energetic coupling between plastids and mitochondria drives CO2 assimilation in diatoms. Nature (Lond.) 524(7565): 366-369. https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nature14599, more
Roberty, S.; Bailleul, B.; Berne, N.; Franck, F.; Cardol, P. (2015). Critical role of oxygen photoreduction downstream of PSI in Symbiodinium: photoprotection, energetic adjustement and ros production. Eur. J. Phycol. 50(Supplement 1): 61-61, more
- Roberty, S.; Bailleul, B.; Berne, N.; Franck, F.; Cardol, P. (2014). PSI Mehler reaction is the main alternative photosynthetic electron pathway in Symbiodinium sp., symbiotic dinoflagellates of cnidarians. New Phytol. 204(1): 81-91. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/nph.12903, more