Universitat de les Illes Balears; Instituto Mediterraneo de Estudios Avanzados (IMEDEA), more
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- Spatial ecology in painted comber and links with Mediterranean MPAs, more
- BTN-IMEDEA: Alós, Josep; Aspillaga, Eneko; (2021). Balearic Tracking Network (BTN)., more
- BTN-DeepWater-IMEDEA: Alós, Josep; Aspillaga, Eneko; (2021). Balearic Tracking Network (BTN): Spanish Deep Water Receiver Network., more
- OP-Test: Aspillaga, E., Bruneel, S., Alós, J., Verhelst, P., Abecasis, D., Aarestrup, K., Birnie-Gauvin, K., Afonso, P., Palmer, M., Reubens, J. (2024): OP-Test: Open Protocols scientific testing, more
- COREMAR: Aspillaga, E.; Abad, J.; Alós, J.; 2023. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the Balearic Islands Marine Reserve Network: connectivity and behavior of vulnerable fish species (COREMAR). , more
- RATJADA: Aspillaga, E.; Abad-Platas, J.; Alós, J.; 2025. Contribution to the effect of Marine Protected Areas on the maintenance of the biodiversity of Balearic Islands batoid chondrichthyans using acoustic telemetry (RATJADA), more
- RATJADA: Aspillaga, E.; Abad-Platas, J.; Alós, J.; 2025. Effect of Marine Protected Areas on the maintenance of the biodiversity of Balearic Islands batoid chondrichthyans using long-term acoustic telemetry transmitters (RATJADA), more
- JSATS-PalmaBay-2019: Aspillaga, E.; Arlinghaus, R.; Alòs, J.; 2020; High-resolution tracking of a coastal fish society in the Bay of Palma (Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spain)., more
- paintedcomber: Josep Alos (2017). Spatial ecology in painted comber and links with Mediterranean MPAs, more
- GIBRALTRACK pilot: Pilot study towards a permanent deployment of an acoustic array across Gibraltar Strait, more