Vega de Luna, F.; Cordoba-Granados, J.J.; Dang, K.-V.; Roberty, S.; Cardol, P. (2020). In vivo assessment of mitochondrial respiratory alternative oxidase activity and cyclic electron flow around photosystem I on small coral fragments. NPG Scientific Reports 10(1): 17514., more
Dang, K.V.; Pierangelini, M.; Roberty, S.; Cardol, P. (2019). Alternative photosynthetic electron transfers and bleaching phenotypes upon acute heat stress in Symbiodinium and Breviolum spp. (Symbiodiniaceae) in culture. Front. Mar. Sci. 6: 656., more
Vega de Luna, F.; Dang, K.-V.; Cardol, M.; Roberty, S.; Cardol, P. (2019). Photosynthetic capacity of the endosymbiotic dinoflagellate Cladocopium sp. is preserved during digestion of its jellyfish host Mastigias papua by the anemone Entacmaea medusivora. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 95(10): fiz141., more