IMIS - Marine Research Groups | Compendium Coast and Sea

IMIS - Marine Research Groups

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Coastal Research Policy Integration
Original title: COREPOINT - Coastal Research Policy Integration
Period: November 2004 till June 2008
Status: Completed

Thesaurus terms Ocean policy; Research

Concerns for coastal problems are shared across NWE coastal countries. Following the completion of the Demonstration Programme on ICZM a set of recommendations on a European Strategy were formulated. Subsequently, there have been varying levels of engagement with this strategy across EU Member States. The Corepoint partners have identified the following key issues to be addressed:

  • Lack of integrated planning and management to achieve sustainable development of NW europe coastal zone

  • Lack of engagement and open communication with stakeholders, including political representatives and general public

  • Poor links between researchers and policy makers

  • Lack of sustained capacity and expertise within local authorities

  • Disproportionate levels of progress on ICZM in Northwest Europe.

  • Goals:

    Establishing NW Europe as an internationally recognised region of excellence in coastal management can only be achieved by successfully utilising trans-national co-operation as a conduit to meet the following objectives:

    • Build European and local capacity to implement integrated coastal management programmes

    • Provide concrete solutions for current problems in the Northwest region using current best practice approaches and identify models for sustaining ICZM initiatives

    • Promote social and political responsibility for coastal environment

    • Influence national spatial policy development in response to the EU recommendation on ICZM

    • Develop an integrated coastal information management system for Northwest Europe


    • Determine the effectiveness of current spatial policies for ICZM

    • Implement best practice in ICZM

    • Engage European decision-makers and citizens in ICZM

    • Affain excellence in ICZM for NWE

    • Establish the Northwest Europe Coastal Resources Centre

  • Stojanovic, T.A. (2008). Guidelines for implementing local information systems at the coast. Compiled as part of the COREPOINT WP4.6 Project. COREPOINT and Cardiff University: Cardiff. 36 pp., more