IMIS - Marine Research Groups | Compendium Coast and Sea

IMIS - Marine Research Groups

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Project Hica: Kaapse Zeepaardjes Hica capensis
  • Koninklijke Maatschappij voor Dierkunde van Antwerpen vzw; Departement voor Conservatiebiologie, more, partner
  • Katholieke Universiteit Leuven; Departement Biologie; Afdeling Dierenecologie en -systematiek; Diversiteit en Systematiek van Dieren, more, partner
The Knysna seahorse is an endangered species from South Africa. No studbooks
exist for this species and only genetic analysis can determine the genetic
diversity of the captive stocks. This diversity will be compared to the wild
populations to estimate their genetic ‘health’.
  • Galbusera, P.H.A.; Gillemot, S.; Jouk, P.; Teske, P.R.; Hellemans, B.; Volckaert, F.A.M.J. (2007). Isolation of microsatellite markers for the endangered Knysna seahorse Hippocampus capensis and their use in the detection of a genetic bottleneck. Mol. Ecol. Notes 7(4): 638-640., more