Dutch title: Duinvormende zandfixerende planten (nebkha's) in aride Mediterrane landschappen: ecologische functie, en potentieel voor bestrijding van woestijnvorming en biodiversiteitsverlies Period: January 2004 till December 2007 Status: Completed
Universiteit Antwerpen; Plants and Ecosystems (PLECO), more, partner
Several native plant species of Mediterranean-arid ecosystems naturally fix winblown materials in small, stable, phytogenic mounds or `nebkhas', but none of them are currently used to combat desertification. In this project we screen a variety of such species, not only for sand stabilisation, but also to promote biodiversity by creating habitats for other species, since nebkhas locally improve soil fertility and water status. The project explores the potential of a new, natural rehabilitation technique to control the leakage of scarce resources from degraded arid landscapes.