IMIS - Marine Research Groups | Compendium Coast and Sea

IMIS - Marine Research Groups

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A federated European FAIR and Open Research Ecosystem for oceans, seas, coastal and inland waters
Original title: Een gefedereerd Europees FAIR en open onderzoeksecosysteem voor oceanen, zeeën, kust- en binnenwateren
Funder identifier: 101094227 (EU contract id)
Principal funding codes: 3852 - Horizon Europe - Research Infrastructures
Acronym: Blue-Cloud 2026
Period: January 2023 till June 2026
Status: In Progress

Thesaurus terms Bio-informatics and computational biology not elsewhere classified; Biological oceanography; Database systems and architectures; Distributed systems; Open access

Blue-Cloud 2026 builds upon the pilot Blue-Cloud project which established a pilot cyber platform, providing researchers access to multi-disciplinary datasets from observations, analytical services, and computing facilities essential for blue science. Core services delivered are the federated Data Discovery & Access Service (DD&AS), the Virtual Research Environment (VRE) and Virtual Labs.