Dutch title: Studie van macrofyten in het vijvercomplex van de Blankaart en omliggende gebieden Funder identifier: 3E980991 (Other contract id) Period: January 1998 till December 2003 Status: Completed
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven; Departement Biologie; Afdeling systematiek en ecologie van planten; Laboratorium voor Plantenecologie (Pleco), more, co-ordinator
The role of charophytes in the stabilisation of the fish pond ecosystem after biomanipulation is investigated. Nitrogen limitations as a mechanism for the suppression of an unwanted phytoplankton bloom is being investigated. Laboratoriumexperiments in which also unicellular algae are cultivated in Chara-medium can explain the role of allelopathy in an ecosystem dominated with a dense Chara-vegetation.