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Irish Benthos monitoring as part of the Water framework directive since 2012
Marine Institute (2020), Irish Benthos monitoring as part of the Water framework directive since 2012.
Beschikbaarheid: Deze dataset valt onder een Creative Commons Naamsvermelding 4.0 Internationaal-licentie.
A requirement of the Water Framework Directive is that benthic macro-invertebrates must be sampled from coastal and transitional waters at least twice within a river basin cycle (6 years) in order to classify these waterbodies. Numerous samples will be taken from sites in matched habitats throughout the water body. Sampling and analysis is carried out according to established protocols. The Directive requires the sampling of nominated coastal and transitional waters for benthic macro-invertebrates. This includes the field sampling, processing and analysis of samples. In addition, grab samples have been taken on vessels of opportunity and are considered suitable to fulfill obligations under the WFD. For each grab sample collected this dataset contains: - lists and abundance of benthic species >1mm, -sediment particle size analysis (PSA), -Folk (1954) sediment classification, and an estimate of organic matter (LOI). Scope Thema's: Biologie > Benthos > Macrobenthos Kernwoorden: Marien/Kust, Europese Kaderrichtlijn Water (KRW), Marien, Marine-sediments, vessel of opportunity, EurOBIS calculated BBOX Geografische spreiding EurOBIS calculated BBOX Stations
Bounding Box Coördinaten: MinLong: -10,1087; MinLat: 51,434 - MaxLong: -5,9852; MaxLat: 55,2562 [WGS84] Spreiding in de tijd
Vanaf 1 Januari 2012 [Gestart] Parameters
Bijdrage door
Marine Institute Ireland (MI), meer, data eigenaar, data creator
Gerelateerde datasets
Gepubliceerd in: EurOBIS: European Ocean Biodiversity Information System, meer
Dataset status: Gestart
Data type: Data
Data oorsprong: Monitoring: veldonderzoek
Metadatarecord aangemaakt: 2020-01-30
Informatie laatst gewijzigd: 2022-08-16