- Aquaculture and Catchment Management Services (MI-ACMS), meer
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( 2 peer reviewed ) opsplitsen filter
- Culloty, S.C.; Mulcahy, M.F. (2007). Bonamia ostreae in the native oyster Ostrea edulis: a review. Marine Environment and Health Series, 29. Marine Institute. Foras na Mara: Galway. 36 pp., meer
- Marine Environment and Health Series. Marine Institute. Foras na Mara: Dublin. ISSN 1649-0053, meer
- (2009). Atlas of the commercial fisheries around Ireland. Marine Institute. Foras na Mara: Galway. 58 pp., meer
- (2006). Oceans of opportunity - exploring Ireland’s marine resources: Review of Projects 2000-2005 supported under the Marine Research, Technology, Development & Innovation (RTDI) measure (NDP 2000-2006). Marine Institute. Foras na Mara: Galway. 76 pp., meer
- (2005). Analysis of the potential economic benefits of developing ocean energy in Ireland: summary report. Marine Foresight Series, 3. Marine Institute. Foras na Mara: Galway. 8 pp., meer
- Boelens, R.; Minchin, D.; O'Sullivan, G. (2005). Climate change: implications for Ireland's marine environment and resources. Marine Foresight Series, 2. Marine Institute. Foras na Mara: Galway. 40 pp., meer
- Douglas-Westwood Limited (2005). Marine industries global market analysis. Marine Foresight Series, 1. Marine Institute. Foras na Mara: Galway. 128 pp., meer
- Shields, Y.; O'Connor, J.; O'Leary, J. (2005). Ireland's ocean economy & resources: a brief document. Marine Foresight Series, 4. Marine Institute. Foras na Mara: Galway. 48 pp., meer
- Marine Institute (2004). Your partner in marine research, development and innovation: a short summary of the marine research capabilities and expertise in the Third Level Sector (universities/institutes of technology) in Ireland. Marine Institute. Foras na Mara: Galway. [No paging] pp., meer
- (1996). VII Meeting of Directors of Fishery Research Organisations of the European Union, Galway, Ireland, 29-31 May 1996 at the Martin Ryan Research Institute. Marine Institute. Foras na Mara: Galway. 27 pp., meer
- Marine Foresight Series. Marine Institute. Foras na Mara: Galway. ISSN 1649-590X, meer
- COFASP: Cooperation in Fisheries, Aquaculture and Seafood Processing, meer
- DEGREE: Ontwikkeling van vistuig met gereduceerde impact op het milieu, meer
- EFIMAS: Operational Evaluation Tools for Fisheries Management Options, meer
- ERA-MBT: Marine Biotechnology ERA-NET, meer
- EUROFLEETS 2: New operational Steps Towards an alliance of European research fleets, meer
- Eurofleets+, meer
- FinE: Fisheries-induced Evolution, meer
- Jerico-Next: Joint European Research Infrastructure network for Coastal Observatory – Novel European eXpertise for coastal observatories, meer
- MARBioFEED: Enhanced biorefining methods for the production of marine biotoxins and microalgae fish feed, meer
- MESH: Development of a framework for Mapping European Seabed Habitats, meer
- MISSION ATLANTIC: Towards the Sustainable Development of the Atlantic Ocean: Mapping and Assessing the present and future status of Atlantic marine ecosystems under the influence of climate change and exploitation, meer
- SBEP: Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership, meer
- SEADATANET II: Pan-European infrastructure for Ocean & Marine Data Management, meer
- SEADATANET: Pan-European infrastructure for Ocean & Marine Data Management, meer
- SEAFARE: Sustainable and Environmentally friendly Aquaculture For the Atlantic Region of Europe, meer
- SEAS-ERA: Towards Integrated Marine Research Strategy and Programmes, meer
- SFS: Sea for Society, meer
- Arosio, R.; Hobley, B.; Wheeler, A.; Sacchetti, F.; Conti, L.; Furey, T.; Lim, A.; University College Cork (UCC), Ireland; (2024): Morphological map of the Irish continental shelf created using Deep Learning., meer
- Arosio, Riccardo; Wheeler, Andrew; Sacchetti, Fabio; Guinan, Janine; Benetti, Sara; O'Keeffe, Eimear; van Landeghem, Katrien; Conti, Luis; Furey, Thomas; Lim, Aaron. (2023) Irish Shelf Seabed Geomorphological Map v2023. Marine Institute, Ireland., meer
- IE-IGFS: Fish trawl survey: Irish Ground Fish Survey for commercial fish species. ICES Database of trawl surveys (DATRAS). The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, Copenhagen. 2010. Online source:, meer
- MEGS: ICES. Mackerel and horse mackerel eggs. Available online at Consulted on yyyy-mm-dd., meer
- Marine Institute (2003); Groundfish Survey Invertebrate Data,, meer
- Marine Institute (2020), Irish Benthos monitoring as part of the Water framework directive since 2012, meer
- O'Driscoll, D. (2021): Grey Seal Distribution Polygons, meer
- O'Driscoll, D., (2021): Harbour Seal Distribution, meer
- Marine_Institute_ClewBay/Achill Receiver Array: Waters, C., Cooney, J. and Drumm, A.; (Marine Institute), 2023, Acoustic telemetry data from Clew bay and Achill, County Mayo, Ireland, meer
- Marine_Institute_ClewBay/Achill Receiver Array: Waters, C., Cooney, J. and Drumm, A.; (Marine Institute), 2023, Acoustic telemetry data of elasmobranch and teleost fish tagged in the Clew Bay and Achill region in west of Ireland, meer
- Acoustic survey of herring and blue whiting, meer
- Atlantic salmon tagging, meer
- Contaminants in the Irish marine environment: biota, meer
- Contaminants in the Irish marine environment: water, meer
- Greencastle codling protected area, meer
- Irish HABs phytoplankton, meer
- Irish anglerfish survey, meer
- Irish biological survey, meer
- Irish deepwater survey, meer
- Irish eel monitoring, meer
- Irish inshore fisheries atlas, meer
- Irish sea trout monitoring, meer
- Marine Institute CTD, meer
- Nephrops underwater TV survey, meer
- Nursery areas in the Irish Exclusive Economic Zone, meer
- PANGAEA - Data from Canary Islands Azores Gibraltar observations (CANIGO), meer
- Spawning areas in the Irish Exclusive Economic Zone, meer