BECAUSE: Critical interactions between species and their implications for a precautionary fisheries management in a variable environment - a modeling approach, meer
EURO-BASIN: EUROpean Basin-scale Analysis, Synthesis & Integration, meer
SEADATANET II: Pan-European infrastructure for Ocean & Marine Data Management, meer
SEADATANET: Pan-European infrastructure for Ocean & Marine Data Management, meer
Hafsteinn G. Gudfinnson, Høgni Debes, Tone Falkenhaug, Eilif Gaard, Ástthor Gislason, Hildur Petursdottir, Thorsteinn Sigurdsson, and Hedinn Valdimarsson. 2008. Abundance and productivity of the pelagic ecosystem along a transect across the northern Mid- Atlantic Ridge in June 2003. ICES CM 2008/C:12, meer