Katholieke Universiteit Leuven; Departement Biologie; Afdeling Dierenecologie en -systematiek; Aquatische Ecologie en Evolutiebiologie, meer
Functie: Faculteitslid
Contact op het instituut:
Tel.: +32-(0)16-32 37 10
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- An interdisciplinary study of the evolution of antipredator mechanisms: aquatic invertebrates as a model, meer
A1 publicaties (5) [show] |
- Dinh, K.V.; Konestabo, H.S.; Borgå, K.; Hylland, K.; Macaulay, S.J.; Jackson, M.C.; Verheyen, J.; Stoks, R. (2022). Interactive effects of warming and pollutants on marine and freshwater invertebrates. Current Pollution Reports 8(4): 341-359. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s40726-022-00245-4, meer
- Lambret, P.; Janssens, L.; Stoks, R. (2021). The impact of salinity on a saline water insect: contrasting survival and energy budget. J. Insect Physiol. 131: 104224. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jinsphys.2021.104224, meer
Stock, W.; Callens, M.; Houwenhuyse, S.; Schols, R.; Goel, N.; Coone, M.; Theys, C.; Delnat, V.; Boudry, A.; Eckert, E.M.; Laspoumaderes, C.; Grossart, H.-P.; De Meester, L.; Stoks, R.; Sabbe, K.; Decaestecker, E. (2021). Human impact on symbioses between aquatic organisms and microbes. Aquat. Microb. Ecol. 87: 113-138. https://dx.doi.org/10.3354/ame01973, meer
- Orr, J.A.; Vinebrooke, R.D.; Jackson, M;C.; Kroeker, K.J.; Kordas, R.L.; Mantyka-Pringle, C.; Van den Brink, P.J.; De Laender, F.; Stoks, R.; Holmstrup, M.; Matthaei, C.D.; Monk, W.A.; Penk, M.R.; Leuzinger, S.; Schäfer, R.B.; Piggott, J.J. (2020). Towards a unified study of multiple stressors: divisions and common goals across research disciplines. Proc. - Royal Soc., Biol. Sci. 287(1926): 20200421. https://hdl.handle.net/10.1098/rspb.2020.0421, meer
- Van de Meutter, F.; Trekels, H.; Green, A.J.; Stoks, R. (2010). Is salinity tolerance the key to success for the invasive water bug Trichocorixa verticalis? Hydrobiologia 649(1): 231-238. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10750-010-0250-7, meer