prof. dr. Colijn, Franciscus [ gepensioneerd ] |
Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht Centre for Materials and Coastal Research; Institute for Coastal Research, meer
Functie: Directeur
- European platform for coastal research: coordination action, meer
- FerryBox, meer
- Baptist H.J.M.; Colijn F.; Marteijn E.C.L.; Meininger P.L.M.; Meire P.M.; Twisk F.; Rijkswaterstaat Dienst Getijdewateren; Delta Instituut voor Hydrobiologisch Onderzoek: The Netherlands; Laboratorium voor Oecologie der Dieren, Zoögeografie en Natuurbehoud. RUG: Belgium; (2016): Breeding bird data for 7 water birds in the Delta area in 1979 and 1987., meer
- Ferrybox data by GKSS, meer
A1 publicaties (10) [show] |
- Bellou, N.; Garcia, J.A.L.; Colijn, F.; Herndl, G.J. (2020). Seasonality combined with the orientation of surfaces influences the microbial community structure of biofilms in the deep Mediterranean Sea. Deep-Sea Res., Part II, Top. Stud. Oceanogr. 171: 104703., meer
- Loebl, M.; Colijn, F.; van Beusekom, J.E.E.; Baretta-Bekker, J.G.; Lancelot, C.; Philippart, C.J.M.; Rousseau, V.; Wiltshire, K.H. (2009). Recent patterns in potential phytoplankton limitation along the Northwest European continental coast. J. Sea Res. 61(1-2): 34-43., meer
- Fonfara, S.; Siebert, U.; Prange, A.; Colijn, F. (2007). The impact of stress on cytokine and haptoglobin mRNA expression in blood samples from harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena). J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 87(1): 305-311., meer
- Colijn, F.; Cadée, G.H. (2003). Is phytoplankton growth in the Wadden Sea light or nitrogen limited? J. Sea Res. 49(2): 83-93., meer
- Wolfstein, K.; Colijn, F.; Doerffer, R. (2000). Seasonal dynamics of microphytobenthos biomass and photosynthetic characteristics in the northern German Wadden Sea, obtained by the photosynthetic light dispensation system. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 51: 651-662., meer
- Swertz, O.C.; Colijn, F.; Hofstraat, H.W.; Althuis, B.A. (1999). Temperature, salinity, and fluorescence in Southern North Sea: high-resolution data sampled from a ferry. Environ. Manag. 23(4): 527-538., meer
- De Jonge, V.N.; Colijn, F. (1994). Dynamics of microphytobenthos biomass in the Ems estuary measured as chlorophyll-a and carbon. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 104: 185-196, meer
- Hoogweg, P.H.A.; Colijn, F. (1992). Management of Dutch estuaries the Ems-Dollard and the Western Scheldt. Wat. Sci. Tech. 26(7-8): 1887-1896., meer
- Lancelot, C.; Billen, G.; Sournia, A.; Weisse, T.; Colijn, F.; Veldhuis, M.J.W.; Davies, A.; Wassmann, P. (1987). Phaeocystis blooms and nutrient enrichment in the continental coastal zones of the North Sea. Ambio 16(1): 38-46, meer
- Colijn, F.; De Jonge, V.N. (1984). Primary production of microphytobenthos in the Ems estuary. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 14: 185-196, meer
Peer reviewed publicaties (15) [show] |
- Huthnance, J.; Weisse, R.; Wahl, T.; Thomas, H.; Pietrzak, J.; Souza, A.J.; Van Heteren, S.; Schmelzer, N.; van Beusekom, J.; Colijn, F.; Haigh, I.; Hjøllo, S.; Holfort, J.; Kent, E.C.; Kühn, W.; Loewe, P.; Lorkowski, I.; Mork, K.A.; Pätsch, J.; Quante, M.; Salt, L.; Siddorn, J.; Smyth, T.; Sterl, A.; Woodworth, P. (2016). Recent change - North Sea, in: Quante, M. et al. North Sea region climate change assessment. Regional Climate Studies, : pp. 85-136., meer
- Quante, M.; Colijn, F.; Bakker, J.P.; Härdtle, W.; Heinrich, H.; Lefebvre, C.; Nöhren, I.; Olesen, J.E.; Pohlmann, T.; Sterr, H.; Sündermann, J.; Tölle, M.H. (2016). Introduction to the assessment - characteristics of the region, in: Quante, M. et al. North Sea region climate change assessment. Regional Climate Studies, : pp. 1-52., meer
- Quante, M.; Colijn, F. (Ed.) (2016). North Sea region climate change assessment. Regional Climate Studies. Springer: Switzerland. ISBN 978-3-319-39743-6. xlv, 528 pp., meer
- Berlamont, J.; Radach, G.; Becker, G.; Colijn, F.; Gekeler, J.; Laane, R.W.P.M.; Monbaliu, J.; Prandle, D.; Sündermann, J.; Van Raaphorst, W.; Yu, C.S. (1996). Future observational and modelling needs identified on the basis of the existing shelf data. Dtsch. Hydrogr. Z. 48(3-4): 421-436, meer
- Althuis, IJ.A.; Gieskes, W.W.C.; Villerius, L.; Colijn, F. (1994). Interpretation of fluorometric chlorophyll registrations with algal pigment analysis along a ferry transect in the southern North Sea. Neth. J. Sea Res. 33(1): 37-46, meer
- Colijn, F.; Villerius, L.; Rademaker, M.; Hammer, K.D.; Eberlein, K. (1990). Changes in spatial distribution of primary production, photosynthetic pigments and phytoplankton species composition during two surveys in the German Bight. Neth. J. Sea Res. 25(1-2): 155-164, meer
- Riegman, R.; Colijn, F.; Malschaert, J.F.P.; Kloosterhuis, H.T.; Cadée, G.C. (1990). Assessment of growth rate limiting nutrients in the North Sea by the use of nutrient-uptake kinetics. Neth. J. Sea Res. 26(1): 53-60, meer
- Admiraal, W.; Baretta, J.W.; Colijn, F.; De Jonge, V.N.; Laane, R.W.P.M.; Ruardij, P.; Schröder, H.G.J. (1988). General features in the model, in: Baretta, J. et al. (Ed.) Tidal flat estuaries: simulation and analysis of the Ems estuary. Ecological Studies, 71: pp. 36-62, meer
- Admiraal, W.; van Arkel, M.A.; Baretta, J.W.; Colijn, F.; Ebenhöh, W.; De Jonge, V.N.; Kop, A.; Ruardij, P.; Schröder, H.G.J. (1988). The construction of the benthic submodel, in: Baretta, J. et al. (Ed.) Tidal flat estuaries: simulation and analysis of the Ems estuary. Ecological Studies, 71: pp. 105-152, meer
- Baretta, J.W.; Admiraal, W.; Colijn, F.; Malschaert, J.F.P.; Ruardij, P. (1988). The construction of the pelagic submodel, in: Baretta, J. et al. (Ed.) Tidal flat estuaries: simulation and analysis of the Ems estuary. Ecological Studies, 71: pp. 76-104, meer
- Colijn, F.; van Arkel, M.A.; Stam, A. (1988). Biology, in: Baretta, J. et al. (Ed.) Tidal flat estuaries: simulation and analysis of the Ems estuary. Ecological Studies, 71: pp. 28-35, meer
- Veldhuis, M.J.W.; Colijn, F.; Venekamp, L.A.H.; Villerius, L. (1988). Phytoplankton primary production and biomass in the western Wadden Sea (The Netherlands); a comparison with an ecosystem model. Neth. J. Sea Res. 22(1): 37-49, meer
- Veldhuis, M.J.W.; Admiraal, W.; Colijn, F. (1986). Chemical and physiological changes of phytoplankton during the spring bloom, dominated by Phaeocystis pouchetii (Haptophyceae): observations in Dutch coastal waters of the North Sea. Neth. J. Sea Res. 20(1): 49-60, meer
- Veldhuis, M.J.W.; Colijn, F.; Venekamp, L.A.H. (1986). The spring bloom of Phaeocystis pouchetii (Haptophyceae) in Dutch Coastal Waters. Neth. J. Sea Res. 20(1): 37-48., meer
- Colijn, F. (1982). Light absorption in the waters of the Ems-Dollard estuary and its consequences for the growth of phytoplankton and microphytobenthos. Neth. J. Sea Res. 15(2): 196-216, meer
Boeken (3) [show] |
- Laane, R.W.P.M.; Hisgen, R.; van Berge Henegouwen, A.; Leewis, R.J.; Colijn, F. (2000). De zee, de zee de Noordzee. Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat: Den Haag. ISBN 90-1206-737-5. 225 pp., meer
- Laane, R.W.P.M.; Hisgen, R.; van Berge Henegouwen, A.L.; Leewis, R.J.; Colijn, F. (1997). De Noordzee [CD-ROM]: het educatieve multimedia programma over de Noordzee in al haar aspecten. Expertise Centrum voor Taxonomische Identificaties: Amsterdam. ISBN 3-540-14553-2. 1 cd-rom pp., meer
- Baptist, H.J.M.; Colijn, F.; Marteijn, E.C.L.; Meininger, P.L.M.; Meire, P.M.; Twisk, F. (Ed.) (1988). Gevleugeld onderzoek: watervogels in veranderende watersystemen. University of Gent, Laboratory of oecology of animals, zoogeography en nature conservation: Gent. 22 pp., meer
Boekhoofdstukken (19) [show] |
- Colijn, F.; van Beusekom, J.E.E. (2005). Effect of eutrophication on phytoplankton productivity and growth in the Wadden Sea, in: Wilson, J.G. (Ed.) The intertidal ecosystem: the value of Ireland’s shores. pp. 58-68, meer
- Windhorst, W.; Colijn, F.; Kabuta, S.; Laane, R.W.P.M.; Lenhart, H.-J. (2005). Defining a good ecological status of coastal waters - a case study for the Elbe plume, in: Vermaat, J.E. et al. (Ed.) Managing European coasts: past, present and future. pp. 59-74., meer
- Doerffer, R.; Colijn, F. (2003). Forschung zum Management der Nordsee = Research for managing the North Sea, in: Lozán, J.L. et al. (Ed.) Warnsignale aus Nordsee & Wattenmeer: eine aktuelle Umweltbilanz. pp. 384-389, meer
- Petersen, W.; Petschanikov, M.; Schroeder, F.; Colijn, F. (2003). FerryBox systems for monitoring coastal waters, in: Dahlin, H. et al. (Ed.) Building the European capacity in operational oceanography: proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on EuroGOOS 3-6 December, 2002, Athens, Greece. Elsevier Oceanography Series, 69: pp. 325-333, meer
- Hartig, P.; Lippemeier, S.; Colijn, F. (1998). Direct, instantaneous measurements of photosynthesis by PAM-fluorometry: new developments, in: Dehairs, F.A. et al. (Ed.) Integrated Marine System Analysis. European Network for Integrated Marine System Analysis FWO Vlaanderen: Proceedings of the second network meeting (Brussels, May 29-31, 1997). pp. 29-49, meer
- Berlamont, J.; Radach, G.; Becker, G.; Colijn, F.; Gekeler, J.; Laane, R.W.P.M.; Monbaliu, J.; Prandle, D.; Sündermann, J.; Van Raaphorst, W.; Yu, J.C.S. (1996). Future observational and modelling needs identified on the basis of the existing shelf data, in: NOWESP: 2. Compilation of scientific reports. pp. 10 [1-19], meer
- Bot, P.V.M.; Van Raaphorst, W.; Batten, S.; Laane, R.W.P.M.; Philippart, K.; Radach, G.; Frohse, A.; Schultz, H.; Van den Eynde, D.; Colijn, F. (1996). Annual variability in the seasonal cycles of chlorophyll, nutrients and zooplankton on the North-West European continental shelf, in: NOWESP: 2. Compilation of scientific reports. pp. 7 [1-19], meer
- Hartig, P.; Colijn, F. (1996). Pulse-amplitude-modulation-fluorescence (PAM) a tool for fast assessment of primary productivity in the sea?, in: Baeyens, J. et al. (Ed.) Integrated Marine System Analysis. European Network for Integrated Marine System Analysis. FWO Vlaanderen: minutes of the first network meeting (Brugge, 29.02.96-02.03.96). pp. 103-121, meer
- Radach, G.; Gekeler, J.; Becker, G.; Bot, P.; Castaing, P.; Colijn, F.; Damm, P.; Danielssen, D.; Føyn, L.; Gamble, J.; Laane, R.W.P.M.; Mommaerts, J.-P.; Nehring, D.; Pegler, K.; Van Raaphorst, W.; Wilson, J. (1996). The NOWESP Research Data Base, in: NOWESP: 2. Compilation of scientific reports. pp. 3 [1-24], meer
- van Leussen, W.; Laane, R.W.P.M.; Radach, G.; Berlamont, J.; Sündermann, J.; Van Raaphorst, W.; Colijn, F. (1996). North-West European Shelf Programme (NOWESP): an overview, in: NOWESP: 2. Compilation of scientific reports. pp. 1[1-18], meer
- Visser, M.; Batten, S.; Becker, G.; Bot, P.; Colijn, F.; Damm, P.; Danielssen, D.; Van den Eynde, D.; Føyn, L.; Frohse, A.; Groeneveld, G.; Laane, R.W.P.M.; Van Raaphorst, W.; Radach, G.; Schultz, H.; Sündermann, J. (1996). Time series analysis of monthly mean data of temperature, salinity, nutrients, suspended matter, phyto- and zooplankton at eight locations on the North-West European Shelf, in: NOWESP: 2. Compilation of scientific reports. pp. 5 [1-37], meer
- Bakker, J.F.; Colijn, F. (1992). A target ecosystem for the Wadden Sea: a time for concerted action, in: Dankers, N.M.J.A. et al. Present and future conservation of the Wadden Sea: Proceedings of the 7th International Wadden Sea Symposium, Ameland 1990. Publication Series. Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ), 20: pp. 79-82, meer
- Colijn, F.; De Jonge, V.N. (1992). Primary production of microphytobenthos in the Ems estuary, in: De Jonge, V.N. Physical processes and dynamics of microphytobenthos in the Ems estuary (The Netherlands). pp. 97-110, meer
- De Jonge, V.N.; Colijn, F. (1992). Dynamics of microphytobenthos biomass in the Ems estuary measured as chlorophyll-a and carbon, in: De Jonge, V.N. Physical processes and dynamics of microphytobenthos in the Ems estuary (The Netherlands). pp. 79-95, meer
- Cadée, G.C.; Colijn, F. (1990). Planten in zee, in: de Wolf, P. et al. (Ed.) De Noordzee. pp. 83-91, meer
- Colijn, F. (1983). Carbon flux in the Ems-Dollard estuary: the importance of primary production as the trophic basis of the estuarine ecosystem, in: Colijn, F. Primary production in the Ems-Dollard estuary. pp. 100-117, meer
- Colijn, F.; De Jonge, V.N. (1983). Primary production of microphytobenthos in the Ems-Dollard estuary, in: Colijn, F. Primary production in the Ems-Dollard estuary. pp. 26-37, meer
- Colijn, F.; Ludden, J. (1983). Primary production of phytoplankton in the Ems-Dollard estuary, in: Colijn, F. Primary production in the Ems-Dollard estuary. pp. 38-99, meer
- DeWolf, P.; Colijn, F.; De Jonge, V.N.; Admiraal, W.; Bouwman, L.A.; Romeyn, K.; van Es, F.B.; van Arkel, M.A.; Mulder, M.; Baretta, J.W.; Baretta-Bekker, J.G.; Stam, A.; Ruardij, P. (1981). Biological research Ems-Dollart Estuary: some aspects of an estuarine ecosystem in a series of the poster summaries, in: Rheinheimer, G. et al. (Ed.) Lower Organisms and their Role in the Food Web: Proceedings of the 15th European Marine Biology Symposium, Kiel, Damp 2000, Federal Republic of Germany (September 29-October 3, 1980). Kieler Meeresforschungen. Sonderheft, 5: pp. 278-283, meer
Thesis [show] |
- Colijn, F. (1983). Primary production in the Ems-Dollard estuary. PhD Thesis. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen: Groningen. 123 pp., meer
Abstract [show] |
- Schroeder, F.; Petersen, W.; Petschanikov, M.; Colijn, F. (2002). A new system for automatic measurement of biological-chemical parameters from ferry boats, in: Brown, M. et al. The Colour of Ocean Data: International Symposium on oceanographic data and information management, with special attention to biological data. Brussels, Belgium, 25-27 November 2002: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 11: pp. 83, meer
Rapporten (3) [show] |
- Bollmann, M.; Bosch, T.; Colijn, F.; Ebinghaus, R.; Froese, R.; Güssow, K.; Khalilian, S.; Krastel, S.; Kortzinger, A.; Langenbuch, M.; Latif, M.; Matthiessen, B.; Melzner, F.; Oschlies, A.; Petersen, S.; Proelß, A.; Quaas, M.; Reichenbach, J.; Requate, T.; Reusch, Th.B.H.; Rosenstiel, P.; Schmidt, J.O.; Schrottke, K.; Sichelschmidt, H.; Siebert, U.; Soltwedel, R.; Sommer, U.; Stattegger, K.; Sterr, H.; Sturm, R.; Treude, T.; Vafeidis, A.; van Bernem, C.; van Beusekom, J.E.E.; Voss, R.; Visbeck, M.; Wahl, M.; Wallmann, K.; Weinberger, F. (2010). World ocean review. Living with the oceans. Maribus: Hamburg. ISBN 978-3-86648-012-4. 252 pp., meer
- Fischer, J.; Baretta, J.; Colijn, F.; Flemming, N.C. (Ed.) (2000). Bio-ecological observations in operational oceanography: report of the third Workshop of the EuroGOOS Scientific Advisory Working Group, 6-8 April 2000 at the National Institute of Coastal and Marine Management RIKZ, Den Haag, The Netherlands. EuroGOOS Publication, 15. EuroGOOS Office: Southampton. ISBN 0-904175-43-X. 45 pp., meer
- Colijn, F.; Zevenboom, W. (1988). Dutch research on eutrophication. Nota GWAO, 88.003. Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat. Dienst Getijdewateren: Den Haag. 14 pp., meer
Overige publicatie [show] |
- Wulffraat, K.; ten Brink, B.; Colijn, F.; Baptist, H.J.M.; de Jong, D.J.; Coosen, J. (1992). Over duurzaamheid gesproken. RWS,DGW: Den Haag. 23 pp., meer