Identifier financieringsorganisatie: ID P103/3E970080 , UNIT 103/2218 (Other contract id) Periode: December 1996 tot Mei 2000 Status: Afgelopen
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven; Departement Biologie; Afdeling Dierenecologie en -systematiek; Diversiteit en Systematiek van Dieren, meer, coördinator
The aim is the development and the transfer of technology to establish independent fish-production units for small farmers in existing irrigation dams. The project contributes to the NationalDevelopment programme in South Africa and focusses on the improvement of the standard of living and the optimal utilization of the resources on behalf of the rural population. The project supports the establishment of small independent fish-production units in the existing irrigation dams in order to provide the local population and the seasonal workers with proteinrich food. The development of the rural communities will be stimulated through an increase of the income per capita, the development of economical independent units and and improvement of the social conditions.