Suriname has a great need for having the capacity to study and mitigate threatening situations along their coast. The project focuses on the capacity building of the Anton de Kom University of Suriname(AdeKUS) in order to carry out research and teaching in engineering (i.e., technolgocial) aspects of coastal zone management (CZM), an area for which Suriname until now has to rely to a great extend on external expertise and for which no MSc programme exists in the area. The project aims the following results: trained university staff to conduct research and teach new courses on coastal hydraulics and morphodynamics in the new MSc programme on Sustainable Management of Natural Resources (to be established), research tools (numerical models, monitoring programme and data base) and teaching tools (course syllabi, etc.). Eventually, graduates from the MSc programme will disseminate and apply the transferred knowledge to the many stakeholders, including government, the Maritime Authority (MAS), engineering consultants and NGOs, where they will find jobs.