IMIS - Marine Research Groups | Compendium Coast and Sea

IMIS - Marine Research Groups

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The cirriped Octolasmis lowei (Darwin, 1851) in the Adriatic = Ciripedni racic Octolasmis lowei (Darwin 1851) u Jadranu
Broch, H. (1963). The cirriped Octolasmis lowei (Darwin, 1851) in the Adriatic = Ciripedni racic Octolasmis lowei (Darwin 1851) u Jadranu. Biljes. Notes Inst. Oceanogr. Ribar. Split 21: [1-3]
In: Biljeske - Notes. Institut za Oceanografiju i Ribarstvo: Split. ISSN 0561-6360, more

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