Open access study materials for better information management: developing oceanteacher
Nieuwenhuysen, P.; Pissierssens, P.; Pikula, L.; Brown, M. (2006). Open access study materials for better information management: developing oceanteacher. Int. Assoc. Mar. Sci. Libr. Inf. Cent. Conf. Ser. -: 3-13
In: IAMSLIC Conference Series. IAMSLIC: Austin. ISSN 8755-6332, more
Study materials about data and information management that are freely available through the Internet and the VV-WW are made available in an organized way through the OceanTeacher system at or Either we include the full documents or at least a WWW hyperlink to the documents in case the document cannot be copied for some technical reason or because of copyright restrictions. It is important that as many as possible full documents are included, because many users work in developing countries without broadband internet access. More specifically, most attention is spent to study materials on data and information management to support marine science or oceanography, as the whole system is created in the framework of UNESCO - International Oceanographic Commission (IOC) - International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) network. The primary aim of the system is to assist managers and staff members to set up and run new IODE centres. In parallel with the part on information management, study materials on data management are included and this forms now the largest part. This contribution offers an overview of the framework, the evolution of the system, the state of the art of the contents and structure, the plans for the future, as well as the challenges and bottlenecks.
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