A new cetacean monitoring programme along fixed transect using ferries as platforms in the Strait of Gibraltar
Espada Ruíz, R.; Scuderi, A.; Martín Moreno, E.; Haasová, L.; Olaya Ponzone, L.; García Sanabria, J. (2020). A new cetacean monitoring programme along fixed transect using ferries as platforms in the Strait of Gibraltar, in: Proceedings of the World Marine Mammal Conference, 9th-12nd of December 2019, Barcelona (Spain). pp. 216
In: (2020). Proceedings of the World Marine Mammal Conference, 9th-12nd of December 2019, Barcelona (Spain). European Cetacean Society/The Society for Marine Mammalogy: Barcelona, Spain. 801 pp., more
Scuderi Alessia, Martín Moreno Estfania; (2020). Cetacean monitoring programme along fixed transect using ferries as platforms in the Strait of Gibraltar, 2018, FLT Med Network, more
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