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IMIS - Marine Onderzoeksgroepen

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Wavelet analysis of wave propagation over Posidonia oceanica
Prinos, P.; Koftis, T.; Galliatsatou, P. (2010). Wavelet analysis of wave propagation over Posidonia oceanica, in: Coastlab 10: Proceedings on the Third International Conference on the Application of Physical Modelling to Port and Coastal Protection, 28th-30th, September & October 1st, 2010, Barcelona. pp. 10 pp
In: (2010). Coastlab 10: Proceedings on the Third International Conference on the Application of Physical Modelling to Port and Coastal Protection, 28th-30th, September & October 1st, 2010, Barcelona. IAHR = AIRH: Barcelona. , meer

Beschikbaar in  Auteurs 
Documenttype: Congresbijdrage


Project Top | Auteurs 
  • Innovative coastal technologies for safer European coasts in a changing climate, meer

Auteurs  Top 
  • Prinos, P.
  • Koftis, T.
  • Galliatsatou, P.

    In this work a wavelet analysis is performed for the experimental data of wave propagating over an artificial Posidonia oceanica meadow, obtained by large scale experiments that have been conducted in the CIEM wave flume. Main objective of this analysis is to measure the effects of plants submergence ratio hs/D (hs= height of seagrass, D= water depth) and seagrass density (stems/m2) on the wave energy dissipation and on the wave induced velocities. Results show that the effect of seagrasses can be significant on the wave attenuation and that the dissipation of wave energy increases with the increase of the above mentioned seagrass parameters.

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