Cultellus combieri Fischer-Piette et Nicklès (Mollusca, Bivalvia), espèce nouvelle pour la faune atlantique marocaine
Bellon-Humbert, C.; Clémarec, M.; Gofas, S. (1979). Cultellus combieri Fischer-Piette et Nicklès (Mollusca, Bivalvia), espèce nouvelle pour la faune atlantique marocaine. Cah. Biol. Mar. 20(2): 161-164
In: Cahiers de Biologie Marine. Station Biologique de Roscoff: Paris. ISSN 0007-9723; e-ISSN 2262-3094, meer
Cultellus combieri off the Atlantic coast of Morocco is redescribed. The diagnosis was established by Fisher-Piette and Nickles (1946) on a single example from Senegal. The northern limit (3020'N) of the distribution area is closely related to the presence of the upwelling. The occurrence of studied specimens is restricted to a sublittoral area in which a warm water-mass (16-22 C) remains wedged all the year round.
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