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La séismicité historique du Hainaut, de la Flandre et de l'Artois
Alexandre, P. (1989). La séismicité historique du Hainaut, de la Flandre et de l'Artois. Ann. Soc. Géol. Belg. (1968) 112(2): 329-343
In: Annales de la Société géologique de Belgique. Vaillant-Carmanne: Liège. ISSN 0037-9395, meer
Ook verschenen in:
Dupuis, C.; Camelbeeck, Th. (Ed.) (1989). Tectonique actuelle et récente en Belgique: a propos des tremblements de terre du Hainaut. Annales de la Société Géologique de Belgique (1968), 112(2). Société Géologique de Belgique: Liege. 311-504 pp., meer
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    Hazards > Geological hazards > Earthquakes
    België, Vlaanderen [Marine Regions]

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  • Alexandre, P.

    Historical seismicity of Hainaut, Flanders and Artois was only known until tomorrow by incomplete compilations without critical value. A revision of sources and a new survey of texts connected with past earthquakes (about fifteen from 330 to 1671, and specially the so called disaster of 1317 in Eastern Flanders) and to propose a more correct localization of the earthquakes of 1000, 1081 and 1095. On the other hand, a new catalogue of the earthquakes occurring from 700 till 1800 in the investigated area, has been elaborated. With the help of a copious documentation, it has been possible to make a more detailed study of the three great earthquakes of 1382, 1449 and 1580, which affected at one and the same time England and the Continent.

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