Ben jij van dichtbij of ver betrokken bij de Blauwe Economie in de Noordzee en/of de Baltische Zee? Ben je actief in een bedrijf of in financing, werkzaam bij de overheid of in de wetenschap? Iedereen welkom op de Mission Arena in Göteborg (Zweden)! Binnen het EU project BlueMissionBANOS wil men met dit grootse evenement van 14 tot en met 16 november alle stakeholders inspireren, betrekken en ondersteunen in het koolstofneutraal en circulair maken van de Blauwe Economie tegen 2030 – in lijn met de doelstellingen van de EU Mission Ocean.
ILVO and VLIZ, together with local actors in Flanders fisheries, are entering into a close collaboration in the framework of the 'Brexit Adjustment Reserve' (BAR). After all, Brexit has far-reaching consequences for the Flanders fishing fleet. Especially the smaller vessels with limited fall-back options, are severely disadvantaged and are looking for a sustainable way out for the future. The cooperation project examines the opportunities for developing new economic carriers and how to strengthen resilience for small-scale and sustainable niche fisheries.
In samenwerking met een internationaal team van wetenschappers voerde het VLIZ de voorbije weken voor het eerst een onderzoekmissie uit waarbij het tegelijkertijd de onderwaterrobot AUV Barabas en de glider Yoko inzette vanop het Spaanse onderzoeksschip García del Cid. Doel van deze multi-robotmissie was om de geologie en fysische oceanografie van onderzeese ravijnen te bestuderen in de Middellandse Zee. De drie platformen werkten voor het eerst complementair samen en verwierven inzichten in de vorming en de voortplanting van zogenaamd “dens water”; een fenomeen dat een belangrijk impact heeft op de diversiteit in de ravijnen. De resultaten van deze missie zullen onder andere bijdragen aan de overgang naar een duurzamere visserij en verder onderzoek naar de impact van klimaatverandering
Last week, the very last negotiations aimed at adopting an international Convention for the protection of high seas biodiversity took place in New York. The agreement was reached after 17 years of intense discussions and negotiations at the United Nations. Belgium played an active role in drafting and finalising this treaty. Among other things, it will now become possible to create natural areas on the high seas - outside territorial waters.
A first cofund call for project funding under the new Horizon Europe SBEP partnership, which aims to develop a climate-neutral, sustainable, productive and competitive 'blue economy', opened on 13 February 2023. The deadline for submitting a pre-proposal is 14 April.
The latest policy informing brief by the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) highlights the concept of carbon accounting within the marine context. What are the main challenges and opportunities? What is the potential climatic importance of sediment-bound organic carbon in shallow seas, such as the North Sea? What role can the Oceans Network of the Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS) play in promoting workable and reliable marine carbon accounting practices? You can read all about it in this publication, downloadable from the VLIZ website.
Reuzenhoge tsunami’s en monstergolven op zee spreken al millenia lang tot de verbeelding van de mens. Dat dergelijke golven soms de harde realiteit vormen, wordt pijnlijk uit nieuwsberichten: grote vrachtsschepen die door toedoen van monstergolven in twee breken, verwoestende tsunami’s die in luttele seconden ganse kustgebieden verwoesten ... In een nieuwe beleidsinformerende nota van het VLIZ wordt gekeken in welke mate dit soort potentieel verwoestende golven – zoals tsunami’s – kunnen voorkomen in de zuidelijke Noordzee.
On Wednesday 5 October, the second LifeWatch Biodiversity Day will take place for scientists, citizens, policy makers and industry. This year, you will discover the latest innovations in biotope and habitat mapping for biodiversity and ecosystem research.
From 27 June to 1 July, the United Nations Ocean Conference runs in Lisbon. This major ocean conference hopes to boost the development of science and innovative solutions to global ocean threats. The Flemish marine research community also participates and is represented by VLIZ.
Ostend (2022.03.02) – During the VLIZ Marine Science Day (2 March 2022), hundreds of early-career marine researchers were presented with an ambitious vision of the future. With the increasing importance of the sea for our society - for example in the context of the Blue Economy - excellent marine research is more important than ever. Minister Crevits is calling for our growing knowledge to be converted even more into responsible and sustainable use of the sea and is counting on everyone's efforts to that end.
VLIZ reports annually on the current state of marine research in Flanders and Belgium in the form of a policy informing brief and thus maintains a close watch on this dynamic research field. The most recent report, among other things, maps out the research capacity as well as the scientific output for the year 2020 and elaborates on international collaborations, the geographical focus of the research and the use of research vessels.
Within the framework of an economic mission of Flemish minister-president Jan Jambon in Northern Spain, VLIZ has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Basque marine research and technology centre AZTI.